Super Mom


Oh parenting can be so difficult some times.  Maybe not difficult but the balance between giving all your kids the correct advice / support / praise / comfort.  That is what is difficult.

Especially when on one day, your one child needs a lot of support and the other deserves praise.

Anyone who knows Quintus, knows how much he loves rugby.  He is passionate about the sport.  Unfortunately this year he was chosen for the B team but he is okay with that.  As long as he can play, right?  Well, my very much a hooker boy … built and used to that position was chosen to play as centre.  If you know rugby at all, you will know that it makes no sense.  However, when I watched the team on Saturday I could see why.  They don’t have back-line players.  One … maybe two.  The one little guy is seriously smaller than Zander.  The other player prefers to play chess (more power to him but he is not into rugby)  Some have never played before.  To tell you the truth they sounds like the C team in the Spud  books lol

There are some great players though.  I feel for them.  I feel for the others two.  They try their best but with the kids they have, it is mostly not good enough.  Quintus was so down when he came off the field.  He felt that he hadn’t played well enough.  Yet he gave it his all.  He put in big tackles.  He caught some balls from bad passes that I didn’t know he could.  I showed him the photos and only then did he realize he did give it his all.  Maybe he can’t run fast enough to catch opposition wings or centres but he tries.  He does his best.  I did my best to explain that regardless of the score he played well.  As always I’m very proud.



Then on the other hand, we had Zander who probably played his best game ever.  My word.  I was amazed.  He tackled non stop.  He ran from one side of the field to catch a player on the other with speed I didn’t know he had.  He tackled some seriously big boys who are probably used to just going right through the other players.

Remember these kids are a year older than him! 

He ran with that ball almost the length of the field.  He so almost scored a try. 

He was MY man of the match.  They are even moving him from full back to fly half for the next game.  He listens to his coach.  He talks to the backline.  He is just so cute on that field.  He definitely has some rugby blood in those veins.






I hope he will do as well as fly half as he did as full back.  He has no clue what to do in that position so we will have to see.

I’m so proud of my boys …. even Jay who decided to stop playing rugby and just concentrate on his tennis.

Win or lose, they make me proud.

One response

  1. Oh heavens parenting is never easy but these are exactly the situations that call for the very best parenting and thinking. Good luck

    March 17, 2014 at 1:17 pm

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